Saturday, August 28, 2010

Berrien County Even Start Update

The Berrien County Even Start Family Literacy program has completed the opening of its center and is now serving more than twenty families with over sixty participants benefiting from the literacy programs. The impact of this program has already changed the lives of seven high school and GED participants that graduated this spring and summer. This program offers promise for help in breaking the cycle of poverty and low literacy to the parents and children of Berrien County. The opening of Wiregrass Technical College's campus this fall will expand the program's impact by being directly linked to the Even Start Center on the Berrien County Board of Education campus in Nashville.

Even Start is funded by a year-to-year grant that provides funding to support local family literacy projects that integrate early childhood education, adult literacy (adult basic and secondary-level education and instruction for English language learners), parenting education, and interactive parent and child literacy activities for low-income families with parents who are eligible for services under the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act and their children from birth through age 7. Teen parents and their children from birth through age 7 also are eligible. All participating families must be those most in need of program services.

Parents who have not completed high school and would like to pursue a GED should contact Kristin Evan or Dianne Fuller at 229-686-6247. The Even Start Family Literacy Center is located at 810 South Dogwood and currently open for services. We are fortunate here in Berrien County to have this opportunity. If you would like to make a referral or visit our center, please call or email us at or

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