Wednesday, February 25, 2009

CASA Appropriations

Congress has today posted its compromise agreement for FY 2009 appropriations (the fiscal year which runs October 1, 2008 – Sept 30, 2009). I am very pleased that the recommendation for CASA’s funding is $15 million, a 14% increase over the previous year. This is a testament to the reputation of CASA/GAL volunteer advocacy in communities across the country, and the efforts of our network in communicating with Congress, especially during CASA Meets Congress. This will translate into more grants that will be available in the current grants cycle. It will not affect the application process currently underway.

The 2009 appropriations measure also provides up to $365 million for state VOCA grants, an estimated 18% increase over FY 2008. Additionally, the Economic Stimulus package approved by Congress last week provides an additional $47.5 million for state grants. The Office of Victims of Crime will be working to expedite dissemination to states of the additional funds contained in the stimulus bill.

As you have heard, a key focus of last week’s stimulus bill provides temporary funding to state governments to deal with the economic crisis. Provisions in the economic stimulus package that help vulnerable families and our children include:

Tax Incentives to Hire “Disconnected Youth (up to age 25)


Increase in IV E foster care assistance

Temporary increase in Medicaid payment rate

Understanding that so many state budgets, and as a result CASA/GAL programs, are seriously challenged by the economic crisis, these developments may be a helpful bridge for many programs to sustain advocacy for children.

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